Architecting for Scale 2nd edition

How to Maintain High Availability and Manage Risk in the Cloud

Every day, companies struggle to scale critical applications. As traffic volume and data demands increase, these applications become more complicated and brittle, exposing risks and compromising availability. With the popularity of software as a service, scaling has never been more important.

Now updated with an expanded focus on modern architecture paradigms such as microservices and cloud computing, this practical guide provides techniques for building systems that can handle huge quantities of traffic, data, and demand—without affecting the quality your customers expect. Architects, managers, and directors in engineering and operations organizations will learn how to build applications at scale that run more smoothly and reliably to meet the needs of customers.

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What you will learn in Architecting for Scale

  • Learn how scaling affects the availability of your services, why that matters, and how to improve it.
  • Dive into a modern, service-based application architecture that ensures high availability and reduces the effects of service failures.
  • Explore the Single Team Owned Service Architecture paradigm (STOSA)—a model for scaling your development organization in tandem with your application.
  • Understand, measure, and mitigate risk in your systems.
  • Use the cloud to build highly scalable applications.
  • Available at in paperback or on Kindle. Or directly from O’Reilly.

What readers and reviewers are saying
about Architecting for Scale

“Don’t bet against your business. Build as if being successful at scale is a foregone conclusion. Architecting for Scale tells you in a no-nonsense way how to go about it.” Colin Bodell, VP Engineering, Shopify Plus; previously VP Website Applications Platform,
“A definitive guide for directors, managers, and architects who want an actionable roadmap on operating at scale.” Ken Gavranovic, former EVP & GM New Relic, CEO/founder of Interland (now
“An excellent book to understand real-world paradigms for scaling and managing critical applications.” Ekaterina Novoseltseva, Apiumhub, from Top 30 Best DevOps Books You Should Read
“Building systems with failure in mind is one of the keys to building highly scaled applications that perform. This book helps you learn this and other techniques to keep your applications performing as your customers—and your company—grow.” Patrick Franklin, EVP & CTO at American Express, previously VP of Engineering, Google
“This book helps show you how to keep your application performing while it—and your company—scale to meet your customer’s growing needs.” Lew Cirne, former CEO of New Relic
Architecting for Scale is also featured in 50 Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders You Should Read in 2021 and #3 in Network Computing’s 10 Tech Books For Summer Reading.

Get Lee's best-selling O'Reilly Media book

Learn how scaling impacts availability, and learn how to manage risk in your modern digital application.
RISK MATRIX TEMPLATE: Download a free template for making a risk matrix, as discussed in “The Risk Matrix” chapter of Architecting for Scale (see book for details). Template available in Excel format.